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Meditation – One Beautiful Moment

There are a lot of beautiful moments to be found in nature, if and when we stop to admire it.  The dancing of the tree branches, the music of the running streams, the romance of the moon-lit night, the gentle touch of the moving breeze, and the golden hues of the setting sun. These are […]

1st Prayer 2012

Now that the euphoria of another new year is past and done with, I have been thinking, what’s next? Nothing much has changed for LIFE goes on as normal or does it? Has the past year made us any wiser or have we improved in any way? Thinking about that I am reminded of the […]

Prayer For November 2011

Everyone has a  friend.  Friends are invaluable in this journey called life. Fortunately, for us, we get to choose our friends. Our friends mostly have similar likes and dislike and outlook on life as us. Friends in some ways are an extension of ourselves. Life without friends can  Be quite lonely. In the Bible Ecclesiastes […]

Prayer For October 2011

Recently I had a phone call from a friend. The tone of her voice was curt, almost as if she was forcing herself to speak. She did not say a word wrong, but the conversation, which was generally left me feeling flat. It reminded me of an article from a computer company. The article was […]

Prayer For September 2011

In most parts of the world we celebrate  father’s day. It is a significant day in the life of any family. In every religion we are told to honour our father. In the  Bible, in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 2 it says “ Honour your father”.  What does honoring your father mean? In my mind […]

Prayer For August 2011

“ Lord remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered and that my life is fleeting away. An entire lifetime is just a moment to you oh God.” Psalm 39:V 4-5 ” Recently I attended a funeral of a young person.  He was a talented young […]

Prayer For June 2011

June is a very important month of the year, it is the end of a financial year. Big or small, every company and individual is preoccupied with trying to save a dollar, maximize the profits and pay as little tax as possible. There is a hype of activity around the financial state of companies and […]

Mother’s Day Prayers

Most mothers’ would have been pampered and spoilt by their children. Children everywhere buy gifts, send flowers or at least ring their mother to wish her a beautiful day. But let us mothers’ pause for a minute and think that are we as mothers worthy of the respect and adoration our children heap on us. […]

May Prayer 2011

As we read the Bible we get to know GOD’S Word better. Throughout the Bible, GOD has a positive message for us. A message of love, forgiveness, faith, and looking ahead. And who could explain that message BETTER than the words below titled “ different set of commandments ” 1] Prayer is not a “spare […]

Who is this man – Easter Message 2011

Easter is a very significant time in the Christian calendar. It deals with the death, burial, and resurrection of JESUS CHRIST [ Hebrews 2: 10-18] Jesus was born in the manger and his life’s journey led Him to the cross of Calvary where He gained victory over death. But prior to this let us re-live […]

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