“ Lord remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered and that my life is fleeting away. An entire lifetime is just a moment to you oh God.” Psalm 39:V 4-5 ”
Recently I attended a funeral of a young person. He was a talented young man but lost his life in a tragic car accident. As I viewed the coffin, the fleetingness of life dawned on me. I realized that our time here on earth, our very life, is a special gift from GOD. As human beings, we have no control over how much time we have at our disposal.
Our life on earth is brief and each moment has potential. It is only when we view time through God’s eyes that we can truly understand how precious a gift time is. We need to see time as a valuable asset, the only true asset that we possess. Time is so valuable that it is measured in milliseconds. Athletes realize the true meaning of milliseconds.
We must use our time to live life abundantly, joyfully, and purposefully. Seize each moment of life, for it will quickly pass away. Most of us walk through life’s journey as if it will never end. But funerals bring the reality of the fleeting time home with a jolt.
Invest the time at your disposal to make others and yourself happy. Invest the time to make this world a little better place than you found it.
Thank you, GOD, for this life. Help me truly value my time here on earth.
Help me to value the gift of time you have given me. Grant me the wisdom to use my gift of time wisely and purposefully. Help me to walk in fellowship with YOU.
Thought for the month
* Time is a priceless and invaluable gift at our disposal.*
Suresh & Pratima Chandra. Melbourne.