PSALM 128: How Happy Are Those Who Obey God .who Live By His Commandents . Your Work Will Provide For Your Needs. You Will Be Happy And Prosperous . Your Wife Will Be Like A Fruitful Vine In Your Home.your Children Will Be Like Young Olive Trees Round Your Table .a Man Who Obeys God Will Surely Be Blessed
These versus reflect the picture of a family as GOD intended families to be. A family living under GOD’S authority and protection: Loving parents, a wife who flourishes, children growing up with hope and a promise for the future. History proves that when there is peace and harmony in families, the effect reaches out to the community and ultimately to the nation.
Unfortunately, this isn’t the picture of most families and homes today. The media tells the story of disintegrating families (murder within families), divorce is rampant, tradition and culture is in a downward slide. Is it any wonder that our children today are troubled and unsettled? The basic foundation upon which families are founded is in decline.
But thanks be to GOD who still has an answer. God’s desire for the families is still the same.
1] For families to live in simple joy, order and harmony.
2] For families to enjoy GOD’S abundance
3] For families to share love and respect
4] For families to enjoy the fruit of their labour
Families should be an anchor and a haven of shelter for every one living in the home. The future of society and humanity depends on parents and on the family life they build in their homes.
Dear GOD, give us the strength to live a life of faith and trust within the institution of family. As you have made us a little lower than the angels, it is our right to live a happy, healthy and prosperous family life. Amen
Thought for the month
A family that eats together, prays together, stays together.
Suresh & Pratima Chandra, Endeavour Hills
Ps: psalm 23 in the bible, a great family life.