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This Is Your Wedding, You Have The Choice To Keep It Simple & Relaxed Or Make It Formal And Grand.

“I have the duty to make it enjoyable and memorable.”

A legal ceremony conducted according to the laws of Australia can be a small intimate affair or a detailed wedding ceremony.

It can be conducted in any venue alternative to a Registry Office Wedding.

The Process

Congratulations, you have decided to get married and set a date.

Contact me and I can check my availability. I am happy to meet with you at a mutually convenient venue or at my office. Our first meeting is a casual chat about your celebration and what’s important to you. My fees are realistic and designed to suit every budget.

Our second meeting involves leaving a deposit and completing the required legal paperwork. We dwell on the nitty gritty of the actual wedding ceremony, and draw up a plan.

From here on we talk on the phone or email to perfect your wedding. I am not satisfied until you are 110% satisfied.

Rehearsals are important, so we conduct a rehearsal at least a week before your wedding ceremony.

Your Super Celebrant For Your Special Ocassion

Mature and Understanding


Widely experienced in multicultural celebrations, events and functions.

Caters for all ocassions including religious

0419324176 Enquire Now