This Is Your Wedding, You Have The Choice To Keep It Simple & Relaxed Or Make It Formal And Grand.
“I have the duty to make it enjoyable and memorable.”
A legal ceremony conducted according to the laws of Australia can be a small intimate affair or a detailed wedding ceremony.
It can be conducted in any venue alternative to a Registry Office Wedding.
The Process
Congratulations, you have decided to get married and set a date.
Contact me and I can check my availability. I am happy to meet with you at a mutually convenient venue or at my office. Our first meeting is a casual chat about your celebration and what’s important to you. My fees are realistic and designed to suit every budget.
Our second meeting involves leaving a deposit and completing the required legal paperwork. We dwell on the nitty gritty of the actual wedding ceremony, and draw up a plan.
From here on we talk on the phone or email to perfect your wedding. I am not satisfied until you are 110% satisfied.
Rehearsals are important, so we conduct a rehearsal at least a week before your wedding ceremony.

We bring creativity, originality and authenticity to any celebration or ceremony.