June is a very important month of the year; it is the end of a financial year. Big or small, every company and individual is pre occupied in trying to save a dollar, maximise the profits and pay as little tax as possible. There is a hype of activity around the financial state of companies and individuals. All this activity got me thinking about how much importance we give to the state of our spiritual and emotional wellbeing. To be spiritually alive and well, we need to connect to the Supreme Universal Power, GOD himself.
Prayer is the tool that connects us with GOD. God has spiritual tax returns already deposited into our account. GOD has already blessed us. In the Bible He says “I have blessed you with spiritual blessing; I have made you worthy; I have surrounded you with favour”. We are His children and HE desires communion with us. The purpose of prayer is not to sit and beg GOD for favours. It is to get to know our heavenly Father.
Sometimes when we pray we concentrate on the gifts in God’s hand and forget the hand of GOD himself. We pray fervently for a new job, or for return of health. Once we get the gifts we are delighted and forget the giver. To most of us GOD’S hand serves to get what we want, like healing of a sickness or getting through a crisis. After the need has been met, the HAND itself means little to us.
God as a loving Father in His grace does give good gifts to His children; HE offers us more than that. He offers us Himself. Those of us who are merely satisfied with trinkets in the FATHER’S hand miss the best reward of prayer— the reward of communicating and communing with the God of the Universe.
Prayer is getting to know GOD and His attributes and becoming more like Him.
Thank You GOD for the privilege of prayer. Thank You for accepting me as I am. Fill my soul with YOUR peace and YOUR attributes. Grant me wisdom and graciousness and fill my heart with love. (Acts 1:18)
Thought for the month
We are already blessed by GOD
You can be.