The dawn of 2014 was celebrated with great aplomb throughout the world. Fireworks lit the sky and there was mass hysteria as people welcomed 2014 and bade good bye to 2013. At the beginning of a New Year most of us look at our lives through rose tinted glasses. The fire lit skies and the jubilant atmosphere creates magic and we all get caught in it. We all promise to improve our lives in a million ways.
In the BIBLE in Romans chapter 12 verses 2 it says “ Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Of what benefit is renewing of our mind and how does that make 2014 a better year for us. Each New Year gives us 365 days. Each of these days is very precious. This is the only day guaranteed to us. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is uncertain. Today is all we have and it is the present. Life equals THIS moment and nothing more. By renewing our mind we change the way we think about life and about GOD.
It is not in the stars nor in someone else’s hand to hold our destiny but in us to make EACH of the 365 days of 2014 be the best days of our lives. We should all take it upon ourselves to dwell on what is TRUE, JUST, HONOROUBLE, PURE, BEAUTIFUL, COMMENDABLE, And EXCELLENT & WORTHY OF PRAISE. Mathew 5verse 8 say “Blessed is the pure in heart for they shall see GOD. Thinking on the above qualities will make each day count and matter in our lives. Trust in GOD & believe He wants the best for us.
Heavenly Father gives me the strength & wisdom to trust in your plan for my life. Thank you for 2013 and pray for 2014 that YOUR Word & Light will guide my feet. Amen.
Thought For The Month
God Holds Our Future In His Hands & Gives Us Our Every Breath.