Recently I had a phone call from a friend. The tone of her voice was curt, almost as if she was forcing herself to speak. She did not say a word wrong, but the conversation, which was generally left me feeling flat.
It reminded me of an article from a computer company. The article was called “tone check”. I was familiar with “ spell check” and “ grammar-check ” but this was different, the software checks the tone and wording of the e-mails to make certain they are not curt, unkind, or mean-spirited. I thought what a good idea, we should all have a tone check fitted to our mouths, like a mouthguard. The tone check would protect so much hurt and misunderstanding !!
God has left us with a tone check “ let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one”
And again “ some speak like a piercing of a sword, but the tongue of the wise promotes health ” proverbs 12 v 18.
God wishes us to check the tone of our voice. He wishes that our speech be graceful, like a healing balm, reflecting the beauty of our GOD.
Talking With The Right Tone Brings Family And Friends Closer.
Dear GOD, give me the strength to always be aware of the tone of my speech.
Help me to use words to bring people closer and feel loved. Fill me with your spirit and your love that I may be an instrument of peace and love. Amen
Thought for the month
Every time we speak, our very being is on parade.