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Now that the euphoria of another new year is past and done with, I have been thinking, what’s next? Nothing much has changed for LIFE goes on as normal or does it? Has the past year made us any wiser or have we improved in any way?

Thinking about that I am reminded of the Japanese proverb  “ the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement” how very true !! Room for self-improvement. It does not matter who we are and what we do for a living. What are our achievements and accomplishments are, we all have room for self-improvement?

How about our health, dedication to work, our relationship, or seeking wisdom. In the Bible in proverbs chapter 2 versus 1 -9 , we read about seeking wisdom. A dictionary definition of wisdom is “ understanding what is true, right, or lasting”, wisdom is crucial if we want to live a stress-free life, and who doesn’t.  Let us make the year 2012 a year of self-improvement by seeking wisdom.


Dear GOD grant me the strength to have a cheerful spirit. Help to focus on beauty in everything I see around me. Bless me with wisdom that I may grow every day. Amen.

Thought  for  the  month

Knowledge comes from books, wisdom comes from experience and GOD.

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