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Prayer For October

 Your speech should always be pleasant and interesting”. COLOSSIANS CH 4: v 6 Tone check Recently I had a phone call from a friend. The tone of her voice was curt, almost as if she was forcing herself to speak. She did not say a word wrong, but the conversation, which was general, left me feeling flat. […]

Prayer October – A Special Day

Psalm 118 verse 24: This is the Day the LORD has made. What’s special about today? Perhaps it’s your birthday, your wedding anniversary or some other special occasion you are celebrating, and the day takes on a special significance. Maybe there is some histrionic event attached to this day, like landing on the moon or the […]

Prayer For September 2013

BLESSINGS — Proverbs 10 verse 22 “The blessings of the LORD makes rich and HE adds no sorrow to it” We had a get together of ex teachers and students of a school I taught at nearly 30 years ago. It was a great night as we all chatted and caught up after three decades. […]

Prayer August 2013 – Words

“Let the word of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight O Lord” Psalm 19 verse 14 The power to use words is a unique gift from God, and like all other gifts it is for our enjoyment and pleasure. Words do more than convey information or tell a […]

Prayer July 2013 – Hanging on Nothing

“GOD HANGS THE EARTH ON NOTHING” ……. (JOB 26 VERSES 7) A world map published by the National Geographic Society has this notation: “Earth’s mass is 6.6 sextillion tons” And what supports all that weight, nothing. Amazing isn’t it? The Planet Earth spins on its axis at thousand miles per hour as it hurtles through […]

Guard Your Heart… November

Above all else guard your heart, for anything you do flows from it, Prove 4:23 A few months ago, my husband was diagnosed with a mild heart disorder. The cardiologist talked about different forms of heart disorders and the great danger it presented to our physical being. Guarding our hearts physically and spiritually is extremely […]

Prayer June 2013 – Created by God

“I praise you oh god, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139 verse 14 Recently I was at the optometrist, having my eye checked and was amazed at the advancement in technology. The optometrist took a picture of the back of my eye and from that picture he could tell the condition of […]

Mother’s Day May 2013

“ She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness .” The second Sunday in May nearly the whole world celebrates mothers’ day .Mother is still the sweetest word in any language. It is the epitome of sacrificial and unconditional love . Mothers are the root of the family […]

Message Of Hope April 2013

Easter is the celebration of JESUS death, burial and resurrection. Jesus was crucified, died and was buried on the “Good Friday ’’. He rose from the dead on Easter Sunday .Easter is celebrating Jesus victory over death and mankind’s hope for eternal life.  The fact that Jesus rose from dead demonstrates His power over death […]

Easter 2013

This month we celebrate Easter, the base and foundation of Christianity. God became man in the person of Christ to give us eternal life. In Psalms 8 verse 4 it says “what is man that you are mindful of him?” Yes, how significant is man? The Voyager 1 spacecraft, which was launched in 1977, is […]

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