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This month we celebrate Easter, the base and foundation of Christianity. God became man in the person of Christ to give us eternal life. In Psalms 8 verse 4 it says “what is man that you are mindful of him?” Yes, how significant is man?

The Voyager 1 spacecraft, which was launched in 1977, is on the outer edge of our solar system more than 10 billion miles away .In February 1990, WHEN THE Voyager 1 was 4 billion miles away from us, scientists turned its camera towards Earth and took some pictures that revealed our planet Earth as an almost imperceptible blue dot on a vast sea of empty space.

In the immense reaches of our universe, our Earth is just a minuscule speck. On this seemingly insignificant dot live more than 7 billion people. How significant or important are we? Psalm 8: verses 3-5 answers that question. “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers …….. What is man that you are mindful of him? You have crowned him (human beings) with glory and honour. Take that in ——- The GOD who created the Universe, created you and me and He cares deeply for us. He cares so much for us that He came down from heaven as Jesus Christ. He walked on this Earth, He taught, healed and loved. He was crucified and He died. THEN HE RAISED FROM THE DEAD .THE POWER OF RESURRECTION promises us eternal life.

All human beings, you, me and others, God loves us all, we all are HIS children. We can see the power of GOD’S creation, but we can feel the power of His love. GOD wants us to connect with the source of our creation and live an abundant life.


Thank you dear GOD for taking notice of us and loving us. Thank you for forgiving us our shortcomings and crowning us with glory and honour .Grant me wisdom that I may feel the warmth of your love.

Thought For The Month

Look up at GOD’S creation and praise Him that He crowned us with Glory and honour.

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