“I praise you oh god, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139 verse 14
Recently I was at the optometrist, having my eye checked and was amazed at the advancement in technology. The optometrist took a picture of the back of my eye and from that picture he could tell the condition of my general wellbeing. Wow, the marvels of technology never cease to amaze me.
Yet the marvel of our own creation (human being) has lost its wonder for many of us. God says in His word that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. It is remarkable that a person’s general wellbeing can be measured by the health of the eye .Absolutely amazing, the creation of our Almighty GOD!! What care our GOD has taken in placing these details in our bodies. The complexities of our bodies reflect the genius and wisdom of our creator. The wonder of His design of our body is breathtaking, even the best computer in the world fails to emulate the greatness of the human body.
GOD created us and blessed us, “Blessed are all who honour GOD, who walk in his ways. They will eat the fruit of their labour; blessing and prosperity will be theirs.” Psalm 128. How can we fail to acknowledge, praise and thank our creator?
Dear GOD thank you for your wonderful creation. Thank you that you created us so beautifully. You know us with such intimacy. Thank you for your care and your blessing upon our lives.
Thought For The Month
All life is created by GOD and bears HIS resemblance.