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“Let the word of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight O Lord”

Psalm 19 verse 14

The power to use words is a unique gift from God, and like all other gifts it is for our enjoyment and pleasure. Words do more than convey information or tell a story, words evoke strong emotion in all human beings. I am sure we are all familiar with the saying “Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.” Sure, there are ways to speak of people that honour them, do we honour people by our speech?

In today’s world of ever present media people’s lives is continually exposed at a very intimate level which can be inappropriate. Worse most of us make this our focus of conversation to a point that gossip becomes the norm — and not only of the rich and famous, we gossip about the people in our work places, neighbourhood and even friends and families can be the target of our sharp tongues. Our careless words cause great pain and anguish as well as affect relationship.

We can escape our inclination to use words to hurt people by realizing that the ultimate hearer of our words is GOD .We also has to give an account of every idle word that escapes our lips .We should use our words to lift people up and glorify God.


Forgive me dear GOD for the times when my words have caused hurt and pain. Help me to understand the power of words and grant me the wisdom to use words to build people up and glorify God’s name.

Thought For The Month

It Is Better To Bite One’s Tongue Than To Make A Biting Remark.

Suresh & Pratima Chandra
Melbourne, Vic. Australia

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