A world map published by the National Geographic Society has this notation: “Earth’s mass is 6.6 sextillion tons” And what supports all that weight, nothing. Amazing isn’t it? The Planet Earth spins on its axis at thousand miles per hour as it hurtles through space in its orbit around the sun. Do we feel the movement? Do we even notice the marvel that the planet Earth is! Night is always followed by Day. The Sun has never stopped shining nor has there ever been lack of oxygen. But it’s easy for this marvel to go unnoticed by us human beings in the midst of our daily concerns about our health, our jobs, and our relationships and how to pay our bills.
In the Bible Job repeatedly considered God’s creation to make sense of the numbing loss of his health, his wealth and his children. God stretches out the north over empty space,” Job said “. “ He hangs the Earth on nothing”. Job marvelled at the clouds that did not break under heavy water inside them, and at the boundary of the light and darkness. (Job ch 26 verses 5-14)
Creation itself did not answer Job’s questions, but the marvels of the creation of the Planet Earth pointed him to God the creator, who alone could respond with help and hope. God who holds the Universe by the word of His power is in control of our everyday lives if we place our faith in Him.
Dear GOD we praise you for your infinite power. You created the world out of nothing and uphold it by YOUR WORD. Help me to remember that You created us human beings in Your own image and are interested in us . I thank You that You are in control of every part of my life.
Thought For The Month
When we reflect on the power of God’s creation, we see the power of His love and care for us.
Suresh & Pratima Chandra
Melbourne, Vic. Australia