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“Do you know that you are the temple of GOD and that the spirit of GOD dwells in you” 1 Corinthians verse 16.

How do you feel about your body?   Thankful, resentful, wishful? How do you treat your body?  Respectfully, creatively, neglectfully, indulgently? How you feel and what you do with your body may well represent your entire future. After all, the first impression anyone has of you is either your voice or your body. You had better not ignore it for no one else will.

All your dreams, plans, hopes about your future, your usefulness to your fellow man, your place in the world is largely dependent on the inner health and the outward appearance of your body. How you care for your physical wellbeing will greatly depend on the importance you place on your body. You really need to take care of your body for this is the only body you’ll ever have. In short your body is your greatest investment, a beautiful instrument and your biggest asset.

Not only is our body our most important asset, Bible says it is the temple of GOD. Just like the material house of GOD etc. are holy ground so is our body. We must bring our mental and physical abilities to their fullest potential by exercising our body and constantly renewing our thoughts thus strengthening our mind. God has given us a unique gift, our body, and we need to honour GOD through our body, for our body is who we are. Remember the spirit of GOD lives in you and you carry HIS image in your body.


Dear GOD, give me the strength to make my body a true reflection of your temple. Help me to discipline my body and my mind to reflect your love.

Thought For The Month

Our body is our greatest asset and investment

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