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“As a man thinketh so shall he be “Bible PROVERBS 3v27

1. Know that we can remake ourselves by giving a new blueprint to our subconscious mind.

2. Control your thoughts. Every thought you think is accepted as true by your subconscious mind and becomes a reality in your life.

3. The tendency of our subconscious mind is always life ward, think thoughts of love, peace, joy, beauty, acceptance, and abundance

4. Our subconscious mind is always reproducing according to our habitual mental pictures, so picture in your mind a blissful and peaceful existence with family and friends.

5. It is normal to be happy and joyful; God wants us to be happy. God has made within us an innate principle of harmony and happiness, so think thoughts of happiness and harmony.

6. Thoughts of fear, anxiety and worry tear us down, So always think thoughts of love and warmth of your family and friends that surround you.

7. What you affirm consciously and feel as true will be made manifest in your mind, body, and your affairs.


Dear GOD… I belong to you, my body, mind, and spirit belong to you, I claim your promise that if I abide in you and your word abides in me, ask anything in my name and you will do it.

I pray that by day and by night I am achieving my dreams and prospering in every area of my life.

Thought For The Month

Thoughts have power, as you think so shall you be

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