Today Matters ——- Yesterday Is Gone — Tomorrow Is Not Yet Come
There is a place in future that we often speak of , we call it, ONE DAY, the time when we will accomplish all those things we have always wanted to do. The time when we have lost weight and restore our joy. The time when we will have that perfect veggie patch. The time when we will visit a sick friend or the time when we will give to those in need. The time when we will do great things for humanity when our finances prosper or when we have more time on our hands —— ONE DAY.
Yet there are two places we cannot go, we cannot go back to yesterday nor can we propel ourselves into tomorrow. Past and future we definitely cannot go into.
All we have is today. All we have is now. When we give of our time or our finances today in proportion to what we have, we will start making a difference today. A journey of thousand miles must begin with a first step. So whatever we are going to do later must start today.
God sees our heart not our gift, so whatever we need to give, must be given with a grateful heart today.
Almighty GOD, though my efforts may seem insignificant compared to others, I pray that I will be faithful in the small things you give me to do. Give me the strength to do small things with a grateful heart.
Thought for the month
Do Little Things As If They Are The Important Things In Life Today.