We all welcome the New Year with so much excitement and hope. All old things have passed away and new things will come. It seems that we think that at the stroke of the clock at midnight our lives will be changed and we will be filled with euphoria and joy forever. We make resolutions to become happier, healthier, wealthier, and wiser. We make resolutions to make this world a cleaner, safer and better place to live in, but does it happen, if not– why not? Every year seems to get worse than the year before. Why are we not succeeding? Are we knocking on the wrong door?
I wonder how many of us made a new year resolution to pray faithfully, for ourselves, our family, friends, and our earth. I wonder if we need to look at the instruction manual of life.
To that, I would like to share Dr. Myles Munroe’s writing on prayer.
“Every action taken by GOD in the earth realm required the involvement of human beings. To rescue humanity in the flood, GOD needed Noah. For the creation of a nation, HE needed Abraham. To lead the nation of Israel, HE needed Moses. To bring back Israel from captivity HE needed Daniel. For the salvation of humankind, GOD needed to become a man.
As John Wesley once said, “God does nothing but in answer to prayer.”
Prayer is therefore not an option for humankind, but a necessity. If we heaven cannot interfere in the affairs of the earth. It is imperative that we take responsibility for the earth and determine what happens here by our prayer lives.
I invite you to discover your power, authority, and rights on earth and to position yourself to become a faith channel for heavenly influence in earth’s affairs.
Heaven depends upon you and earth needs you. Without your prayers, heaven will not – and without heaven, the earth cannot.
Heaven needs you to give it license through your prayers to impact the earth. You can make a difference and change the course of history. Join me on this adventure into the heart of prayer and watch your power of attorney explode into a dynamic life of purposeful petition for heavenly impact on the earth.