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“ FOR  AS  A  MAN  THINKETH  IN  HIS  HEART, SO  IS  HE ‘’.  Proverbs 23  verse 7

Reading the Indian newspaper “ Indian  Times ‘’ I  came across the interview of  Vidya Balan,  the famous  Bollywood actress , who said and I quote “ When I accepted myself completely and felt unapologetic about the way I am, the world began to accept me in the same way as well ”.

How very true, God said in His Word, for as we think in our heart that’s what we become Believing in ourselves is the key factor to genuine success in life. We need not confirm to the image of the society around us , we need to embrace the capability and the possibility that live within us, and that is very much dependant on our thinking. To lead a positive and fulfilling life we need positive thoughts.  Our thoughts affect who we become.

Thoughts bear fruit. Think good thoughts and the fruit in our lives will be good. Thoughts of gratitude, kindness, peace, love, and forgiveness make us into kind, loving and forgiving people. Give up your ego and live a life of gratitude. Have a thankful heart for all good things in life . 99%  of the world is beautiful, embrace it and enjoy it. THE OTHER 1% THAT WE WANT TO CHANGE, let us be that change. Let us change to a more beautiful person, full of loving, caring, encouraging, helping so that the world will accept us as we are.


Dear GOD, thank you for helping me become who I am. Thank you for the good fruits you have planted in my heart. Touch me, bless me and sustain me to live a purpose-filled life. Amen

Thought  for  the  month


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