We are fast approaching the end of the calendar year and many of us are rejoicing because our year has been fruitful. While some of us are stressed and frustrated because we have failed to give fruit to our new year resolutions. A few us believe that December is the end of our destination, IT IS NOT. Our life is a journey and we need to remain focused on our resolution or the vision.
Remember unless we have a personal dream or vision, we will not enjoy our life’s journey nor will be successful in our life. God says “WHERE THERE IS NO VISION THE PEOPLE PERISH”. To keep our vision alive we need to live a disciplined life.
We must ask ourselves how disciplined is our life? What am I using my energies on?
What am I putting my heart and soul into? Where am I investing my money?
My vision and dream dictate where I channel my resources.
The movies and television programs I watch, the books I read, are they helping me or hindering me in achieving my dreams? If I am only reading romantic and fictional novels then I am living in a fantasy world and not living out my dream. What am I taking into my body? What I eat and drink, is it making me healthy or making me lethargic and lazy? If we want to achieve our vision and make our dream a reality we must take care of our health.
What is our attitude towards life? if we know where we are going we can keep our attitude positive. When and if things go wrong we can say it is only a temporary setback because I know what my destination is. Staying FOCUSED on our dream is very important Seeing our destination in our mind’s eye helps us to discipline our life to achieve our vision and dream.
In the Bible Paul says “ Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent – think about such things”.
HEAVENLY FATHER, all that I have and all that I do I dedicate to you. I dedicate my vision and my dream to you and pray for your strength and blessing to achieve it.
Dear GOD, I submit my energy, my money, my entertainment, and my health to you.
Enhance my ability to trust in Your Word. Search me, O God and know my heart and lead me to achieve my vision.