The Birth, Death, And Resurrection Of Christ Jesus Is The Crux And The Centre Fold Of the Christian Faith.
Recently the Christians celebrated EASTER. What message does EASTER have? to most of us, it is about Easter eggs. But the real message of Easter is examining self. Looking at your heart and searching for yourself. Deciding what is important in life. Christ is the perfect example. Jesus Christ lived for others and in doing so served GOD.
Identifying with JESUS CHRIST means serving others and living for GOD our creator. Dying with Christ means, putting to death our ego, our pride, and selfish ways, and living with LOVE for GOD, for others, and for self. Living life to make this world a better place. Whether we are remembered by the whole world or just by a few family and friends. We must be remembered for our integrity and our strength of character and our love for our fellow human beings.
What will you and I be remembered for? Jesus Christ is remembered for sacrificing HIS life for others.
Dear GOD give me strength to die to my sins and rise up with Christ to live a selfless life.
A life that shows love, gratitude and concern for others. Amen
Thought for the month
Living life with gratitude is the best way to live life.